Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Taiwanese Minced Pork on Rice - 豚肉のそぼろご飯 - かまきの食事時間#3

With an average consumption of 77.1 kg of meat per person in a year, Taiwan is one of the highest meat consuming country in East Asia. One of the most commonly used meat in Taiwanese cuisine is pork. Flavors from the well balanced fat and protein, after combining with various spices, allows pork to be served as a main, entree, side dish, sauce or simply as a garnish.


A common Taiwanese house-hold food is the "minced pork on rice" (肉燥飯/豚肉のそぼろご飯). The dish is similar to most braised meat dishes, where you slow cook on low heat for at least 1-2 hours. The mince pork can be either served with plain rice, or used as a sauce on top of vegetables, noodles, tofu, etc. Therefore, one batch can be used for several meals. With such versatility, this dish is perhaps one of Taiwan's National dish, and therefore is a must eat if you go there.

The following is my recipe for the minced pork on rice. The amount of minced pork I made here is enough for more than 3 meals.

Pork mince 500g
Diced Mushroom - 250g
Diced onion 1
Garlic - 4/5 cloves
Ginger - golf ball size
Shallot - 2 branch
Bean curd/Tofu skin - 100g
Soy sauce - as desired
Chinese five spice - 2 table spoon
Salt - as desired
Raw or Brown Sugar - 3-4 table spoon (or as desired)
Star aniseed - 5/6 pieces

1. Season the pork mince with salt, and Chinese five spice.

2. Stir-fry chopped garlic, ginger, shallot and diced onion on medium heat.

3. Stir-fry the pork mince together with garlic, ginger, shallow and onion on high heat.

4. Add sugar and soy sauce and thoroughly stir through.
5. Add in diced mushroom and bean curd in.
      > usually, the bean curd is dried. Immerse bean curd sheet in water for at least 5 min before adding into the pan.

6. Add water until it just covers over the mince and turn to low heat. Cook for at least 1-2 hour.

7. Serve mince with rice and/or any other vegetables when ready.


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